Our two families in Corvallis, but missing Aaron and little Elsie

Monday, October 25, 2010

Next Stop: Cairns - The Great Barrier Reef Oct. 2

We flew the next day from the center of the continent to the northern part of the east coast, Cairns. Each of our visitors has been here. Ross has been here. Now we get to be here!

We checked in to a funky hostel (aren't they all? but they're affordable!) and were welcomed by rain. Wait a minute. We're boarding a boat tomorrow for three days of snorkeling. It can't rain! But it was. So we tried to keep a stiff upper lip, spend time shopping for souveniers and enjoying the free hostel spaghetti meal up the street. It was a contrast to go from hot, dry desert to moist, drippy rainforest along the coast!

Our tour boat drove us out-the next day in the sunshine-2 hours to the "host boat" anchored out on the Reef. We were able to eat a scrumptious lunch (which settled my very queasy tummy), set our bags into our cabins and then get right into the water for our first snorkel experience. The color of the water is magnificent. Turquoise, aqua, blue, green. We snorkeled again before dinner.

Each day we had 5 chances to go out in the water. Between the different swims we were able to see sea turtles, fish of all kinds, coral, coral and more amazing different shaped/colored coral, anemones, and even a White-Tip Reef Shark (harmless I'm told (but not convinced)).

Inbetween the swims we could read on the deck, "sunbake," as the Aussies call it, and watch the fish swimming around the boat.

I think I speak for Pat as well when I say that we feel extremely lucky to have this chance to see an amazing part of the world and spend it with our family. The time we're spending with each one is gold.

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