Our two families in Corvallis, but missing Aaron and little Elsie

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Happy Homecoming!

January 30 we boarded our plane in Nadi, Fiji, bound for Los Angeles, Oakland, and finally Portland. We knew Maureen and Rod would be there to pick us up so we could catch up in the few hours until they caught their Sydney plane home!

Amazingly, after 24 traveling hours, we arrived on January 30! Funny how that happens!

Touching down in L.A. was surreal, and we all shared a smile and for me, a little tear, of course. Once inside the gates, it felt crazy! The first sign, "Welcome to the United States," was new. The next thing that hit us was a set of large televisions broadcasting football, like the American grid-iron kind.

We made our way customs, etc., and finally sat at our departing gate. Pat said,
"I'm off to Starbucks. What would you like?"
"Just a cappuccino."
"You could have that, or a latte, or a soy chai, or . . ." AHHHH! So many choices!!

Everyone around us talked like us. The announcer on the speaker sounded like us! Weird!

Two more planes later, we touched down on Oregon soil. Can you tell I'm drawing out this story? Each part meant we were closer to home after a whole year away. We had butterflies and we were also very very ready!

Rod and Maureen were waiting for us with open arms. We cried and hugged! Then we collected the millions of bags, including one year of school work from Ross to show his Corvallis teachers that he really did work last year!

We drove as far as the closest hotel where Dean and Shawnee were waiting to go for dinner. It was 10:30 p.m.! Shari's here we come!! Shari's is our Pacific Northwest's version of Denny's. These simply do not exist in Australia. We were happy!

Pat inhaled his bisquits and gravy egg breakfast and chocolate milkshake! We shared stories and laughter until after 1:30 a.m. Time to go to bed so the Birds could catch their early morning flight home to Sydney!!

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