Our two families in Corvallis, but missing Aaron and little Elsie

Sunday, April 18, 2010

NZ - Queenstown, Day ???, who's counting!!

Queenstown is an adrenelin junky's dream come true! Beautifully situated on a huge glacier carved lake in the middle of the southern Alps.
We decided to get in some whitewater rafting on the Shotover River & booked for the afternoon half day trip. We were bused from downtown Queenstown out to Arthur Point where the company has their water based activities facilities on the river. We were suited up in wetsuits, booties, splash jacket, helmet & life jacket. Then back on the bus for the ride of our lives!! It has been a long time since I have been on a road that has scared me like this one. In fact, our boat guide said this road was ranked as the 15th worst road to drive in the world. At the time, I thought it was #1. The bus is also hauling a trailer with 4 rafts. The rock ledge road is barely 8 feet wide along the CANYON, sheer drop straight down & as I looked out & down, many times I could not see any road, I mean nothing!!!!!
So we got down to the put in beach, put boats in the water, grabbed oars, safety demo & then assigned to boats, 6 per + our boat guide, Kyle, who is from the US. We spent about 3 hours (about 17 kilometers) running the Shotover, going thru some 3-4 rated rapids. There are a few 5's , but this is the end of their summer, early fall so the river was down. We also went thru a lengthy tunnel carved out of the cliff for diverting water during the area gold rush. The trip was a blast! Lots of fun. Ross & I were at the front of the boat & got pretty wet & Diantha was at the left rear staying dry. Would I do it again? Yes, but I would have to be knocked out to take that bus trip again!

The next day.... to be continued

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