Our two families in Corvallis, but missing Aaron and little Elsie

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Fishing NSW

Fishing in NSW has been the fishing experience of a lifetime! Thanks to Graeme & Paul.

Garfish, bream, tailor, mullet, flatheads, darts, bull sharks, eels, blackfish & jewel fish, catfish, whitings & shovelnose sharks.

What about bait? Well, Paul taught me about the pippi at Pippi Beach in Yamba. When all else fails & you run out of bait, do the twist in the sand near the waters edge for pippis, a type of clam.

Fishing for garfish, mullet & bream, Graeme had us using bread, successfully!
Fishing for blackfish? Well, they are a vegetarian fish and the use of sea cabbage or river weed works.

Fishing for jewel or big bream or eels or sharks? A variety of baits work including live mullet and beach worms. Now, what's a beach worm? Well, imagine an earth worm with a head bearing 10-12 tiny feelers & can range in length from 2-5+ feet in length.

Thanks Graeme, I never thought I could learn so much about fishing! You are a patient instructor & have probably forgotten more about fishing than I have learned in my lifetime!!!!!

So, check out the photos....

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