Our two families in Corvallis, but missing Aaron and little Elsie

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Sunday Sunday

We just had the nicest afternoon. We were invited by Ross' buddy's mum, Kim, to join the family at the Pub With No Beer. That's right. We drove about 45 kilometers south past Macksville and west out into the countryside. The drive was beautiful, passing farmlands and picturesque hillsides. We drove and drove and finally arrived at the famous pub in the middle of nowhere! A band was playing and we chose a table outside. The sun was brilliant, and the temperature was probably 78 degrees F. Not bad since it's still, technically, winter.

We enjoyed the music, fish and chips, and even a real beer! Amazing. The place is notorious for it's local color and affiliation with country music legend, Slim Dusty. He is the clever song writer/performer of such greats as Duncan ("I'd rather have a beer with Dun-caaan, cuz Duncans me maiyte!"). He might be likened to Willy Nelson, but with a purer than pure Aussie persona. The boys played pool while I photographed the ambiance and locals. I felt like I was in a movie with the true-blue crusty Aussies out the veranda around the front plenty tipsy and cheering on the musicians!

It was great to share a good pub meal with Ross and his friends and get to know the family better, as well. We always learn something new about Australia (or America!) when we get together with friends. Today it was all about Perth and the glutton of work available there, if you're interested!

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