Our two families in Corvallis, but missing Aaron and little Elsie

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Did I mention

the butterflies swirling in all of our tummies?? 20 days to departure . . . Which one of us is the most excited?

So many people are helping us get ready. Thanks Mike, Karleigh and the Girls for taking the motorhome and the cat! Mostly the cat. Thanks Chris and Deb for helping with the holiday airport run so that we could welcome everyone here. Thanks Barbara for holding and watching out for everything and anything for us while we're gone. Thanks to Aaron, Lydia, and Marc for not shaking your heads and rolling your eyes at us too badly! Thanks to Emilie and all of the family who will keep an eye and ear out for Aaron, Lydia, and Marc! Thanks to everyone we tell for the happy wishes and great tips on poisonous everything! Thanks to all the staff and all the parents at work for helping get the classroom and plans ready to pass over. Thanks to all our friends who are working behind the scenes to send us off (the number of vehicles needed to get us to the airport is hilarious) and welcome the new family. We could truly not be doing this wild adventure without all of you. A huge, huge thank you!!

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