Our two families in Corvallis, but missing Aaron and little Elsie

Monday, December 21, 2009

Meeting our new life-long friends:

What a feeling to see Maureen walking up our walkway - in real life!! We hugged for such a long time there on our front porch. They arrived Thursday night having driven up from touring in California. Within moments of meeting Rod we felt at ease. The children, Dean and Shawnee are darling, full of smiles and anticipation at seeing their new digs for the first time.

By now we have spent the whole weekend together, getting to know each other, showing them the quirks and crannies of our house, cooking together, planning and explaining so many things for each other, finding Winco, BiMart, and the Christmas tree lot.

They have prepared so much for us when we arrive there. I feel as if I know the amazing new friends we are about to meet in two days - three if you are looking at the calendar.

At the same time, we are suddenly feeling sad to not spend more time together! Who knew we would match so well? It was meant to be. It simply was.

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