Our two families in Corvallis, but missing Aaron and little Elsie

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Of Fish and Caterpillars

Marc and Ross went Gar fishing last night with our new friend, Graeme. Ross caught his first fish right here in Australia after trying many times in Oregon unsuccessfully. They were all smiles walking in the door last night, of course. Graeme taught us how to debone and fillet these puppies, and I have to say, I hope he has to teach us how to debone and fillet every single different kind of fish in this country just to hear him repeat the word, "knife," over and over! Jerrie, you would have been proud!

As Graeme was leaving, we walked him to the front door and I noticed a little black caterpillar had made his way onto the front mat inside the house. I reached down to pick him up and scoot him outside, like you might do with a cute little fuzzy caterpillar any old day. Graeme said, "Oh, you don't want to touch the thing. Pick up the mat and shake it outside. Their secretions can be toxic and will sting a little." Okay. Poisonous snakes, Box Jellies, Bull Sharks out back, deadly spiders, even stinging plants (which we identified in the rain forest yesterday). But now toxic caterpillars???! I'll stick to hugging koalas!

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