Our two families in Corvallis, but missing Aaron and little Elsie

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Surfin' Aus-tral-yaah

We spent Monday at the beach nearby, Scott's Head, trying our hand at surfing. Let's just say it kicked our newly-Aussie behinds. We proudly prefer body boarding and lawn bowling at the nearby green! But we'll be back, waves, just you wait. After our sunburns subside and our egos renew themselves . . . Before the movies at the theater they run an advertisement that encourages using sunscreen, complete with graphic, very very graphic surgeries removing cancer spots and infected areas. It's no nonsense around here. Just Use It.

We also met more neighbors at a little get together. We found out who left the tomatoes on our back patio table while we were in Sydney, so sweet, thank you! - and that new neighbor across the street came in May and never cuts his grass - oh! I said I'd met him and we were wondering if we should cut it for him since it looked quite long and we'd be happy to but didn't want to seem like pushy Americans. The neighbors said, well, it took the Americans to walk over and meet the man so now everyone can know his name! Who knew?!

The most fun at these gatherings is learning the expressions Aussie's use and which ones mean something completely different. That's for another blog!

We're all loving our time over here, adjusting to the heat, humidity, left side of the road and various flora that we seem to be allergic to . . . It is summer, afterall!

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