Our two families in Corvallis, but missing Aaron and little Elsie

Monday, February 22, 2010

Let the Fun and Games Begin

Pat is in Sydney having fun with Tim who has just landed from Corvallis! They're exploring the big city before making their way north to our beautiful coastal town. Last I heard they were enjoying beer with fish and chips at Bondi Beach after a day of sight seeing.

Meanwhile, Ross and I are slaving away at work and school, commuting, studying, and concentrating very hard on our jobs. But Ross took a break from the toil and trouble to play basketball with the town "league." It cost a whopping $5, was held at the local primary school, and included 25 kids ages 12 to 17, both boys and girls. There was a real scoreboard, refs (the daughter of the coach in her flip flops, or thongs as they're called here), with fouls called and everything. Great fun to get out and meet more people and work up a sweat in the 80 degree evening!

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