Our two families in Corvallis, but missing Aaron and little Elsie

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Typical Saturday!

Today we worked on paperwork, gathering tax info and submitting medical receipts for reimbursement back home. I hung the washing on the line. Tim and Pat went to the beach to try their luck with the surf boards we've been loaned. Neil dropped by on his motorcycle to invite the guys on a two day road trip borrowing bikes from nearby.

What else? Ross did homework (the first, I think, he's had . . .). From there I made a quiche for all of us before the mushrooms went funky. Skyped with Lyd - so great to catch up. Skyped with Tonya and Stephanie and all the kids, including brand new Evelyn! Napped.

Then we were off to our first Footy game (Rugby League) at a nearby field. Wow. Wow. The Army team against the local team. It was a game in honor of a local boy killed in Afghanistan in the past year. The clashing of the bodies on the field is audible from up in the little stands. They wear a mouth guard to protect their teeth. How 'bout the ribs???

From there dinner at a Thai restaurant with more new friends while Ross went back with buddies for ping pong and movies. Everyone in the CHS realm has heard, no doubt, that video gaming is not high on the list here in Aussie land. It's an adjustment, as you might imagine . . .

All in all, a little housework, a little relaxing, something new, and new friends. Can't beat that day.

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