Our two families in Corvallis, but missing Aaron and little Elsie

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Stay At Home Pat

So much for staying at home. He told me last week he needs a day planner for all of his invitations. What does he do when Ross and I leave the house for the day? I really don't know! But I will share what I do know! First of all the kitchen is spotless when I come home at 5 and he won't let me touch dishes all evening. So far so good, me thinks! The yard is mowed, the pool is sparkling, and the laundry is in off the line. But that doesn't take all day.

He is a)lawn bowling, b)fishing, c)volunteering for grounds maintenance at my school, d)driving Ross to friends', doctor (pesky recurrent ear infection), etc., e)golfing, f)getting more milk, g)going to the retired police officers' monthly luncheon, h)being invited to volunteer for security at the beach, i)being invited to help paint a friend's house, j)don't you know he's napping, k)getting the windows adjusted on the "new" car, -- and these are just the ones I know about!

But the best: the time he spends with his three new friends he's met in the back yard. Not the massive 4 inch long grubs he picked off the plants by the bagful (YUCK). He feeds the 3 Water Dragons that live at the river's edge pieces of bread, and they come RUNNING. If the tides in and he tosses them out, they don't hesitate! They peel into the water, grab the bread, swim back, and wait looking up at Pat begging like dogs for their tennis balls!

Pat's new playground!

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