Our two families in Corvallis, but missing Aaron and little Elsie

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Cinco de Mayo

"What's THAT?" my carpooling partners said. I was mentioning that today is my dad's birthday, and that means it's also Cinco de Mayo. "Well, it's a holiday in Mexico that Americans go crazy over because it's a great excuse to eat nachos and drink Margaritas." "Oooh. Let's celebrate that!" they both chimed. "We could do it next week when Neil is home!" I didn't really know how to tell them it wasn't something one celebrates any other day than the 5th of May, since it's called The Fifth of May and all. "So what do we do?" I explained how we could have a lot of nachos and I could make fajitas. If someone had a blender we could have Margaritas (although I've never seen anyone drink anything besides beer, wine, beer, maybe a rum and coke and more beer). "Oooh. Sounds great!!" Sure enough, we had great salt-rimmed drinks, plenty of chili and tortillas, and limes to squeeze over everything. Over dinner someone asked how to spell Cinco de Mayo and what it meant. When I told them, they all looked at each other. "But todays the 15th!" No worries, mate.

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