Our two families in Corvallis, but missing Aaron and little Elsie

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

It has not escaped our attention . . .

. . . that it is officially summer vacation for Corvallis High School and Liberty Elementary. That is, all of our American friends and family have begun the season of eating watermelon, sleeping in, picking strawberries, staying up late, planning for fireworks, packing for the road trip, floating on the river, lazing at the coast, you know, summertime!! Not Ross and me. No sir. We're up every morning making our lunches before catching our rides. I'm grading papers in the evening while he writes his English essay. It's the weirdest feeling ever to write the date on my classroom whiteboard in the morning, 22 June, 2010. I've never done that before!

All griping aside, we're having an Aussie blast. For now, we'll settle down for a hot cocoa and enjoy the Winter Solstice.

Happy Summer everyone at home!


  1. If it makes you feel any better... I kept working in my classroom until today! But there were no kids... just report cards and lots of clutter to be cleared away and organized! :) Only a month and a few days until I see you again my friend! I miss you sooo much!!!

  2. We finally have some summer weather! It reached 100 here a couple days ago now up to 95, due to cool down soon. I've been teaching Drivers Ed in Lebanon and will be pretty busy the rest of the summer, should have some very short breaks for get-a-ways. Went to Jacki and Bonnie's last night "game night" and there was much discussion about their up coming trips to see you. Wish I could do it too! Great blog, keep the postings coming! Miss you lady! Amy
