Our two families in Corvallis, but missing Aaron and little Elsie

Sunday, July 25, 2010

One more hike and off to Whitsunday islands!

Our last day in Adelaide was spent on yet another beautiful hike. We ventured into a national park closeby and hiked out to Devil's Nose. The views were gorgeous, and the trees are some of my favorites. They look like Dr. Seuss characters! We were finally "walked out!" Monday we spent travelling to Airlie Beach, at the Whitsunday Islands, and celebrating Pat's birthday (at Baskin Robbins - woo hoo!).

Airlie Beach is at the southern part of the Great Barrier Reef. It is a sleepy beach town that comes alive in the evening if bar-hopping is your gig. If not, good luck getting a good night's rest! The town has a public "lagoon," a swimming pool set to resemble a beach, with sand, gradual slope, and rocks along the sides. It's the perfect place to sun, read, or picnic. We did all of that!

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