Our two families in Corvallis, but missing Aaron and little Elsie

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

October 10 - Seal and Dolphin Kisses!

Picture torrential rains. That was our day with the seals and dolphins! Nevermind! We're true Oregonians, and we never let a little rain dampen our spirits, even if it is the "kids'" last day in Australia, darn it!

The Pet Porpoise Pool is a local attraction that features a dolphin show and sea lions on stage. The good news is that it is small, intimate, and uncrowded. We each got a kiss from the dolphin, we each got a kiss from the seal, we each fed fairie penguins (eew - the feeding part, not the penguin part), and we each petted the dolphins as they swam by in the waist-high pool. The park is very interactive. We were even able to feed shrimp to the sea turtle and gigantic fish. Let's just say they were plenty hungry and I dropped my whole tongs in when the fish snatched the prawn I was saving for the turtle! Nevermind the explicative I used with the nice small-child family standing nearby! Yikes. Fun, but always a surprise in store, that's the story of this year!

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