Our two families in Corvallis, but missing Aaron and little Elsie

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Never saw no stinkin' penguins.

In line at the airport to come back to Australia, a group of American college students here on exchange for a term were in front of us talking about their past two weeks touring New Zealand. One girl was exclaiming, "Yea, so last night we watched the penguins come up out of the ocean onto the shore. They were sooo cute, and they just waddled up and came to their little nests. We all just watched and it was so great!!" Ross quietly says to me in line, "How jealous are you right now, Mom?"

Well, I will be back! In fact, we may get to see the penguins come ashore next month on the south coast here. For now I can only be jealous.

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