Our two families in Corvallis, but missing Aaron and little Elsie

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Queenstown Bungee Jumping

We arrived in Queenstown, the adrenaline capital of the world, and definitely the best town of the trip. The fam ventured to the bungee jumping bridge where we watched many jumpers make the leap. After we left the bridge I decided that I was bungee jumping and Pat was coming with me. The next day we went back to bridge for the second time in twenty-four hours. We went and got our order numbers and headed to the line forming on the bridge. It finally came turn for Pat and I to get suited up. I, being the man, went first. I gave the card to the guy and he went to go setup some pulleys. He came back after a few minutes and asked for my card, I told him that I had already given it to him and he replied "Oh, I must have forgot because I'm drunk." With those reassuring words I was strapped in and edging myself to the Ledge of Doom. I stared down 150 feet and muttered Oh My God. My instructor laughed and repeated OMG. He told me to wave to the cameras and counted down saying good bye as he reached zero. I just hopped off and prayed I didn't die. During the fall you reach euphoria, the peak is right before the bungee comes into play. In the middle of the air you are falling for so long that you can have thoughts running through your mind. I realized that i had jumped feet first on accident so that I will be doing a front flip in the near future. Said front flip occurred in mid air and I was completely disoriented as I dangled in mid air being lowered to the boat with possibly the two most hilarious Kiwis of all time. I got out of the boat and turned around just in time to see Pat take the leap, scream his head off, and check his pants to make sure that he hadn't pissed himself. It was a good day and a good send off from Queenstown, at the end I was seriously contemplating redoing my jump in order to do it correctly. Another time however, this is not the last time Queenstown will see me.
Ross out

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