Our two families in Corvallis, but missing Aaron and little Elsie

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Karaoke Aussie Style

We invited anyone who would not believe us to join us for Karaoke Wednesday night (!). The Aussies didn't know what to make of it, but being good sports, they came along. We were 11 in all, half and half American and Aussie, with the majority stating very proudly and nervously, "I don't sing; I ain't gettin' up there." Well, I've learned over the years that they all say that, and by the end of the evening, with so much fun to be had, they are up there wailing away Bruce Springsteen, Donna Summer, or Neil Diamond, at the very least.

But Tie Me Kangaroo Down? Fantastic! Even P. Mollahan had a turn singing the Aussie anthem! The Aussie girls spotted "Duncan" on the play list and launched into a rousing version at the table. That's all the cue I need to submit their names for a live version on the mic! "I'd rather drink a beer with Dun-caaan, cuz Duncans me maiyte!"

We danced the night away, thoroughly enjoyed the antics of the locals, and definitely made an impact on the little Irish pub! Nevermind that it was a work night - we closed the place down after 11 p.m.

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