Our two families in Corvallis, but missing Aaron and little Elsie

Monday, December 13, 2010

Cultural Goodness

During October and November, we attended a variety of social events. First, I was invited to a theater show. Maureen, our administrative assistant, suggested I might like it. Her dance group was performing as "back up" girls. The main show would include incredible costumes and headdresses handmade by Rocky. Yup. Pat declined the invitation, assuring me he'd seen plenty of theater at Darcell's. It was an absolute hoot, and I wouldn't have missed it. We had a beautiful dinner before at the Bowraville Pubjust across the street and had intermission at the Bowraville Pub, as well, where the "back up" girls were waiting patiently for their final act. After slurping down our refreshments, we scurried back across the street, with the back up girls, to continue on with the show!

Girls Night In is an international event to raise money for breast cancer research. This was held at a friend's ranch. Pink balloons, pink food, pink champagne, pink outfits, even on the puppies. We brought gifts to "purchase" and paid gold coins ($1 and $2) to play the games, such as Pin the - oh, right, what happens at a Girls Night In stays there. You'll just have to host one yourself or go online to get ideas for next year! All for a good cause . . .

More sophisticated, by far, was Caroline's art opening at the Bellingen Art Gallery. Her fabric art is breath taking, as you can begin to see on the picture I'll include here. Her pieces are in galleries all over the country and overseas, including, as of August, Oregon, U.S.A. Her website is inspiring! www.carolinesharkey.com

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