Our two families in Corvallis, but missing Aaron and little Elsie

Friday, December 31, 2010

Rotorua, New Zealand

I'm catching up this blog now that I am back to happy quick internet. It's been a long spell of travelling to places where internet was scarce or very $$, so we went off the cyber map for awhile, and good or bad, we're back on! (we're home!! -more on that later!! It's sooo nice!)

Rotorua is known for it's steamy bubbling mud pools and hot spots of sulphur smelling Mother Nature! The city is literally steaming here and there in the hillsides and in the park downtown. The city park is spotted here and there with hot pools, bubbling puddles, and full on public spas, free for the asking - if one dares! We spent as much time as we could stand with our noses plugged, checked into a medical clinic for Ross' ear troubles (nothing a few drops and antibiotics couldn't handle), and we were off for the ocean up in the Coramandel.

If you have a bucket list, I'd add the Coramandel Coast to it. Right now.

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